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Sorcerer/DruidPaladinKnightExp/AccessOthersExercise |
Points | Picture | Description |
15 | 1x exercise club (15 points) This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges | |
15 | 1x exercise axe (15 points) This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges | |
15 | 1x exercise sword (15 points) This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges | |
15 | 1x exercise bow (15 points) This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges | |
15 | 1x exercise wand (15 points) This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges | |
15 | 1x exercise rod (15 points) This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges |
Premium Points |
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