Uptime: 475h 37m
Players: 10 / 1000

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W naszej grze oferujemy unikalny Premium Shop, ktory znajduje sie bezposrednio w kliencie gry, co oznacza, ze mozesz korzystac z niego bez koniecznosci opuszczania rozgrywki badz wlaczenia przegladarki.
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151x exercise club (15 points)
This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges
151x exercise axe (15 points)
This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges
151x exercise sword (15 points)
This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges
151x exercise bow (15 points)
This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges
151x exercise wand (15 points)
This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges
151x exercise rod (15 points)
This item allows you to skil on dummies, and your skills will go faster than on regular trainers. 1800 charges

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