Uptime: 480h 11m
Players: 19 / 1000

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Paradise Island

Daily Reward Receive free rewards every day

Paradise Mission Complete missions and receive interesting items and free experience.
Daily Boss Perform a daily boss every 24 hours and get interesting loot to get there you need 400 level and 4 people.
Paradise Raid Defeat daily (Parrais) to get interesting items and exchange them for critical stone more information about the raid can be found Here.
Paradise Stone Every 1 hours 3 stones appear (Forest Stone, Frozen Stone and Lava Stone) defeat them and get interesting items.
Paradise Meditation It is a practical system that relies on stamina regeneration. Just stand in the temple 1 minutes of meditation = 4 minute of stamina.
Paradise Quests Here you will find quests for new items and mounts.