Uptime: 479h 46m
Players: 20 / 1000

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Level Points

These are points that you can give away according to your individual needs. In the depo, you'll find a Level Points teleport that will take you to a reward area - right there, you'll be able to exchange level points for various items, and stamina potion as well as beneficial reinforcements: LEVEL, HP, MP.

Level Points
Level Points
100 5
200 5
300 5
400 5
500 5
600 5
700 5
800 5
900 5
1000 10
1100 10
1200 10
1300 10
1400 10
1500 10
1600 15
1700 15
1800 15
1900 15
2000 20
2100 20
2200 20
2300 25
2400 25
2500 25
2600 30
2700 30
2800 30
2900 35
3000 35