Uptime: 478h 50m
Players: 19 / 1000

Witaj na RezoriaEU

Wiele unikalnych zadan i expowisk...

Niestandardowe potwory

Nowy klient, nowe możliwosci

Wykonuj eventy i zdobywaj darmowe punkty

Daily Quest System

Daily perform every day and you will surely be satisfied.

The Daily System On our server you will meet the system of daily quests we have three. One is from 200 to 400 level. The other is from 400 to 999 level. Next dungeon 1000 to xxx level (Mitrox). Of course in the future we will certainly add even more. From daily quests you can get crystal coins, event tokens, etc. in addition, on weekends lottery tickets.
Each player after completing a quest receives +1 daily quest point that can be exchanged for HP, MP or items.