Uptime: 79h 19m
Players: 156 / 1000

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Fire Storm

The event starts automatically every day at 14:00 or at the request of players is organized before the administration.

The message appears 3 minutes before the start, by typing the !fire command (you must be in the protection zone) players will be transported to the arena from which you can no longer leave.

In order for the event to start there must be at least 2 players with a level higher than 100, but also the maximum number of players participating in this event can not exceed 10.
There is a no-pvp zone in the arena.
Fire fields appear faster and faster on the ground, which disappear after a while. If a fire field appears under a player, he is killed. After the deed you do not lose experience or equipment and you are in the temple.
Wins 25 premium points