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Mitrox Island

Important You have to do the quest or buy in the item shop

Mitrox Island Complete missions and receive interesting items and free experience.
Jackson Mission (Requires us to 700 level to start missions). After completing his mission we get access to new quests and exps.
Marvin (Requires us to 700 level to start missions). After completing his mission we get golden mount.
Teodor Mission (Requires us to 1000 level to start missions). After completing his mission we get access exps.
Oressa Mission (Requires us to 1500 level to start missions). After completing his mission we get access exps.
Medroton On the island you will find a statue with which you can summon a boss (Medroton) once every 6 hours.
Mitrox Boss You will also find here a pirate boss to get on it requires 750 level and 4 people.
Mitrox Daily Complete a daily quest and receive amazing rewards