Uptime: 479h 59m
Players: 19 / 1000

Witaj na RezoriaEU

Wiele unikalnych zadan i expowisk...

Niestandardowe potwory

Nowy klient, nowe możliwosci

Wykonuj eventy i zdobywaj darmowe punkty

Achievements on Rezoria

Achievments are called achievements that can be earned during the game. To earn them, you need to meet certain conditions for each of them.

A person who earns all (except 1000 and 2000 level) available achievements will receive 10% more to the earned experience forever.
First Login

An achievement that is awarded upon first login.
1000 Level

Want to earn respect? Conquer 1000lvl!
2000 Level

Show everyone whos boss by hitting level 2000!

If you die its with style, die 100 times!
Log In

For regular players only. Log in at least 300 times to play!

Prove that you have the experience to get treasures. Complete a daily quest at least 10 times.

Berries are liked by practically everyone. Or maybe picking them is your hobby? Use a bush with berries 400 times to earn this achievement.

Wealth... who doesnt dream of it? Let everyone know that you are like that, use 100 Rezoria Coins!

Use the exp potion 50% 15 times and show the others who boss.

Create a combined shield and the achievement will be yours.

Play roulette 10 times and you will get this achievement.

Complete all available tasks at hanys to get this achievement.

Show whos rich buy a house

Arent you afraid to get your hands dirty? Destroy 100 piggy banks to get this achievement!

Achievement very simple just use bless book.