Uptime: 341h 6m
Players: 10 / 1000

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Guild Wars

!war invite,guild name,fraglimit Send an invitation to war.
!war invite,guild name,fraglimit,money,time Send an invitation to war.
!war accept,guild name Accept an invitation to war.
!war reject,guild name Reject the invitation to start a war.
!war cancel,guild name Cancel the 'Black Ninjas' guild's invitation to war.

You can end a war by yourself after killing a designated number of frags with the command !war end,nameguild or the war will end by itself at the designated time.

Aggressor Information Enemy

Began on Aug 15 2024, 19:35:37, ended on Aug 24 2024, 14:25:32. Frag statistics: 0 to 0.

» Details «
