Uptime: 77h 7m
Players: 163 / 1000

Witaj na RezoriaEU

Wiele unikalnych zadan i expowisk...

Niestandardowe potwory

Nowy klient, nowe możliwosci

Wykonuj eventy i zdobywaj darmowe punkty


  • IP: Rezoria.eu
  • PvP: 150 lvl
  • Stamina: yes
  • House: 200 lvl
  • Frags to Red Skull: 25
  • Frags to Black Skull: 70
Free Points
As always on our server, we do not provide for points per guild. We believe that such a thing is unfair to other players.

Free points or items will be available in several other ways:
  1. First 100 accounts created will receive 3 days free premium
  2. On our facebook FanPage bonus codes appear from time to time, so we encourage you to like now

  3. Via first 24 hours From the start, the raffle will take place every 30 minutes
  4. from time to time on our Discord we organize contests for free points

HP for lvl: 5
MP for lvl: 30
Cap for lvl: 15
HP for lvl: 5
MP for lvl: 30
Cap for lvl: 15
HP for lvl: 10
MP for lvl: 15
Cap for lvl: 20
HP for lvl: 15
MP for lvl: 5
Cap for lvl: 30
What is rezoria?

This server hardly needs to be introduced to anyone. Rezoria is the most popular and extensive 4fun server in Poland.

The server itself is already more than 1.5 years old is updated on average every few days. We rely on it for frequent updates and for a long game compared to other servers.
whats new?

In the run-up to the opening of the new edition, we will focus on adding some new features that we previously announced.

For more information on news and things we are working on, please visit our Discord.

what can we offer?

-> Frequent updates!
The server is updated on a regular basis, don't believe it? Check Here!

All changes on the server are described, in addition to the ongoing correction of all bugs reported by players.

-> Attention to detail
Did you find a typo or mistake on the map? Something annoys you? Just report it to the administration, we pay attention to every detail.

-> Expanded account maker
Our account maker has been written completely from scratch, making it secure against account attacks and providing many interesting features.

-> Over 300 new monsters
These include quest monsters, shuffle-related monsters, bosses, as well as those to execute. Each of them has a unique set of attacks and loot, and we try to make them unique and interestingly designed.

-> Not just an item shop
We do not want to force anyone to buy from our item shop, items from it can be obtained in many ways. Among others from quests, by winning events, exchanging with players, or from various systems. In addition, there are many items on the server that are better than those from the item shop and can only be obtained in-game.
Systems? Sure!

-> Dungeon system
This is the system responsible for generating random dungeons that can be explored by players. Both mobs, bosses and rewards await the brave who dare to venture there.

-> Achievement system
On our server you can find an extensive system of achievements. At the moment there are as many as 15 of them, and their number is constantly growing.

-> Market System
We have introduced a system that works similarly to the market system on RL tibia. With it, using the appropriate command, you can list an item for premium points, which someone else will later be able to buy through the site. This system makes it much easier to trade items between players.

-> Boss System
On our server you can find an extensive boss system. At the moment there are as many as 10, and their number is constantly growing.

-> Meditation System
This is a practical system based on stamina regeneration. Meditation starts automatically when you are in depo.

-> Autoloot System
The autoloot system allows us to automatically get items from the monsters we kill.

-> Character trading system
On our server you will find a character trading system. Want to sell your character and get some premium points? List your character!

-> Daily Quest System
On our server you will encounter a daily quest system, we have three.

-> Task system
You earn points for killing certain monsters, which you can later exchange for various bonuses. These include levels, items, addons, among others.

-> Level Points System
These are points that you can distribute according to your individual needs. you get points automatical every 100 lvl.

-> Flower System
The system involves watering the flower (you can do it every hour). If you dont water it within 24 hours, the flower will wither (a fully grown flower never wilts).


On our server you will find several different and interesting events, some of which may be familiar from other servers, but we are currently trying to introduce original events that cannot be found anywhere else.

-> Battlefield Event
-> Snowball Event
-> Castle Event
-> Death Event - Team Deathmatch
-> Stone Event
-> DreamOfGold Event
-> Double Exp Event
-> Firestorm Event
-> Raffle - every 2 hours a random logged in person gets one item

Detailed event information can be found here - Discord.
Map and Tasks

-> Refined map
On our map you will practically not find square expansions or quests. We pay very great attention to details, we try to make all the maps we add refined and interestingly made.

-> More than 75 elaborate quests
We try to avoid introducing quests of the go -> kill -> take the reward type. When we add new quests, we try to make sure they have a storyline and are interestingly scripted. Dont believe it? Check it out!

-> Over 450 elaborate exps
Exps on the server are very diverse, you will find expansions both hidden expansions that cannot be accessed through the TP room, those that require some minimum or maximum level, or those where you pay for entry with special tokens.


-> Rewards for gain levels
-> New spells for each profession
-> Several different PvP arenas, own as well as different cities from RL map
-> Item upgrade system
-> Endless runes and potions






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