Uptime: 176h 30m
Players: 8 / 1000

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Wiele unikalnych zadan i expowisk...

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Wykonuj eventy i zdobywaj darmowe punkty

Zakupy sa dostepne tylko w kliencie gry. Ta strona ma charakter pogladowy.

W naszej grze oferujemy unikalny Premium Shop, ktory znajduje sie bezposrednio w kliencie gry, co oznacza, ze mozesz korzystac z niego bez koniecznosci opuszczania rozgrywki badz wlaczenia przegladarki.
Wystarczy jedno klikniecie w zakladke, umiejscowiona obok Wikipedii, aby otworzyc dostep do tego sklepu wystarczy kliknac ikonke.

251x Premium medal (25 points)
Adds 7-day premium account. Access to new exps, bosses and quests. In addition, you get 25% more experience after use.
151x exp potion (15 points)
After use you will get 25% exp per hour.
251x exp potion (25 points)
After use you will get 50% exp per hour.
801x mitrox access (80 points)
You get access to mitrox island. There are daily bosses, daily quests masses of quests new quests, exps. 700 level is required to use.
801x paradise access (80 points)
The island offers additional activities, such as Metin Stone, Raids, Mission, Boss, Daily chests, Double stamina regeneration, quests and the island has many houses.
2010x exp token (20 points)
Allows entry to paid exps.

Premium Points
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