Uptime: 479h 6m
Players: 19 / 1000

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To get it EVENT TOKEN it is necessary to participate in events on the server or buy from other players, sample events BATTLEFIELD and FIRESTORM, both offer as a reward the amount of 2 EVENT TOKEN.

To get TASK POINT we have to perform any task then for a certain number of kills we get a given number of tokens. TASK SYSTEM

To earn ONLINE TOKENS you just need to be in the game every hour you will automatically receive 1 token

Premium Scroll
You see premium scroll.
It weighs 0.13 oz.
adds 3-day premium account.

Stamina Refil
You see stamina refil.
It weighs 0.30 oz.
Use to 2 hours regeneration stamina.

Addon Doll
It weighs 38.00 oz.
When you use the item you receive 1 addon. Ex: !addon mage

Frag Remover
You see a frag remover. It weighs 24.00 oz.


Stamina Refil
You see stamina refil.
It weighs 0.30 oz.
Use to 2 hours regeneration stamina.

Addon Doll
It weighs 38.00 oz.
When you use the item you receive 1 addon. Ex: !addon mage

Frag Remover
You see a frag remover. It weighs 24.00 oz.

Acts like a machete, shovel, rope, etc.

Exp Father
After use you will get 10% exp per hour.


Stamina Refil
You see stamina refil.
It weighs 0.30 oz.
Use to 2 hours regeneration stamina.

Addon Doll
It weighs 38.00 oz.
When you use the item you receive 1 addon. Ex: !addon mage

Frag Remover
You see a frag remover. It weighs 24.00 oz.