Uptime: 479h 59m
Players: 19 / 1000

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Commands Available:
!buyhouseYou buy a house
!leavehouseYou leave the house
!warGuild war
!changesexChange your sex
!serverinfoServer information
!bankBank System
!onlineList of online players
!fragsCheck the killings
!aolBuy amulet of loss
!blessBuy blessings
!spellsCheck spells
!addonGet the addon
!dodgeCheck dodge
!criticalCheck critical
!dailyCheck daily task
!promotionBuy promotion
!hp/!mpCheck health and mana
!expCheck status bonus exp
!bosscheckCheck status boss
!goChange outfit guild players
!bgWrite the guild message
!pzCheck skull time
!dailycheckCheck cooldown
!gemsCheck bonus gem limits
!task pointChange task point for pkt
!questAssemble a team
!macheteBuy Machete
!lvlpointsCheck available points
!dailypointsCheck available points
!pointsCheck available points