Uptime: 480h 19m
Players: 19 / 1000

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Exercise System

There is one Exercise Dummy in the depo and paradise island, which can be used to train Magic Level, Distance Fighting, Sword Fighting, Axe Fighting or Club Fighting. Shielding training is not possible with dummies. To train on a dummy, you will need special weapons (Exercise Sword, Exercise Axe, Exercise Club, Exercise Bow, Exercise Rod, Exercise Wand) First option purchased from shop offer for 30 premium points. The second option is to buy in-game from npc exercise seller for boss tokens.

Training on a training dummy is much faster than training with trainers or regular recovery.

One practice weapon has 1,800 charges and works for 1 hour. Remember to have anti-idle enabled so the character doesnt log off.

If you move your training will be interrupted.
You can only train on a dummy if you are in a protection zone.