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Zakupy sa dostepne tylko w kliencie gry. Ta strona ma charakter pogladowy.W naszej grze oferujemy unikalny Premium Shop, ktory znajduje sie bezposrednio w kliencie gry, co oznacza, ze mozesz korzystac z niego bez koniecznosci opuszczania rozgrywki badz wlaczenia przegladarki.
Wystarczy jedno klikniecie w zakladke, umiejscowiona obok Wikipedii, aby otworzyc dostep do tego sklepu wystarczy kliknac ikonke.
Sorcerer/DruidPaladinKnightExp/AccessOthersExercise |
Points | Picture | Description |
15 | 1x koshei's ancient amulet (15 points) (protection death +10%). The effects of this amulet are unknown. | |
10 | 1x frag remover (10 points) Works only if you have a skull. | |
20 | 1x stamina potion (20 points) Regenerate your stamina to full. We can use it once every 10 hours. | |
24 | 1x expedition backpack (24 points) (Vol:36). Backpack having 36 seats that adds 4% from physical. | |
35 | 1x magical torch (35 points) Adding 20 speed, 5% immunity from death. | |
14 | 1x bonus stone (14 points) Use it on an item to get a bonus (hp, mp, skill, etc.). Max 5%, one use per item. | |
10 | 1x bonus remove (10 points) You can remove last added bonus to item. | |
140 | 10x bonus stone (140 points) Use it on an item to get a bonus (hp, mp, skill, etc.). Max 5%, one use per item. | |
100 | 10x bonus remove (100 points) You can remove last added bonus to item. | |
30 | 30x rezoria coin (30 points) Coin that when used adds 1 point to the item shop. | |
10 | 1x lottery ticket (10 points) You can play the lottery and win the best weapons on the server. | |
30 | 1x bless book (30 points) After use you receive automatic bless. | |
40 | 1x changename (40 points) This item will allow you to change your nickname. | |
12 | 1x hp bonus gem (12 points) After using this you will receive +25 health. Players without Premium Access can use a maximum of 30 gems, while Premium Access players can use 50 gems. You can use, for example, 25 gems for mana and 25 for health, but you can't use 50 of them and 50 of them. | |
12 | 1x mp bonus gem (12 points) After using this you will receive +25 mana. Players without Premium Access can use a maximum of 30 gems, while Premium Access players can use 50 gems. You can use, for example, 25 gems for mana and 25 for health, but you can't use 50 of them and 50 of them. | |
120 | 10x hp bonus gem (120 points) After using this you will receive +25 health. Players without Premium Access can use a maximum of 30 gems, while Premium Access players can use 50 gems. You can use, for example, 25 gems for mana and 25 for health, but you can't use 50 of them and 50 of them. | |
120 | 10x mp bonus gem (120 points) After using this you will receive +25 mana. Players without Premium Access can use a maximum of 30 gems, while Premium Access players can use 50 gems. You can use, for example, 25 gems for mana and 25 for health, but you can't use 50 of them and 50 of them. | |
30 | 1x promotion doll (30 points) After use you get a new profession and fast attack. |
Premium Points |
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