Rules - RezoriaOT
Uptime: 340h 55m
Players: 10 / 1000

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RezoriaOT Rules

  • 0.1. RS Boosting
    Intentionally boosting RS for anyone is prohibited! After each players complaint, we check the logs and IPs of those who boosted and killed the player. Attempting to boost someone RS results in a one-month IP ban!
  • 0.2. MC (Multi-Client) + PVP
    You can have only 2 characters for PvP, 1 main + 1 MC (Multi-Client). For leveling or playing, you can have a maximum of 1 main + 3 MCs. Having 3 or more MCs in PvP will result in a warning note and possibly a ban!
  • 0.3. Low-Level Players
    General obstruction of the game and killing low-level players for no reason will be punished with a ban. This includes killing on events, exps, and raids. The duration of the ban is determined by the administration. Appeals without evidence will be ignored.
  • 1. Definitions:
    • 1. Low-level player: Any person below level 800 who is significantly weaker than the opponent.
    • 2. Players level 800 and above are no longer included in this group.
  • 1. Accounts
    a) Creating characters or having characters with prohibited names is forbidden, such as:
    • Offending or impersonating someone from support (e.g., Got Server)
    • Meaningless combinations of letters (e.g., Babababa)
    • Too many special characters (e.g., R-p-k-o-v-s-k-y)
    • Same as a monster’s name (e.g., Dragon Lord)
    b) Actions aimed at stealing accounts or items are prohibited.
    c) Each player is responsible for their account number and password. The administration is not responsible for the consequences of potential loss.
    d) Selling accounts/characters is only allowed for premium points.
  • 2. Gameplay
    a) Excessive spamming in public places like depots may result in jail or a ban.
    b) Using public channels against their purpose will lead to punishment. Ignoring warnings will result in a ban. Channels and their uses include:
    • Game-Chat: Game-related conversations
    • Trade: Sales, purchases, cooperation offers
    • Quests: Seeking people for quests, asking for help, looking for guild members
    • Help: General questions
    c) Exploiting and concealing bugs for personal gain is punishable based on the severity. Profiting from bugs may lead to legal action.
    Article 268a of the Criminal Code:
    A1. Anyone who destroys, damages, alters, or disrupts computer data without right may face imprisonment up to 3 years.
    A2. Significant property damage caused by such acts may lead to imprisonment from 3 months to 5 years.
    A3. Prosecution begins at the injured party’s request.
    f) Any actions harmful to the server are punishable.
    g) Impersonating the REZORIA OTS team or other players is forbidden.
    h) Abuse of MC (e.g., using 4+ characters for hunting grounds or targeting specific players) will result in bans. VPNs used to bypass this will be treated as a single IP.
    i) Blocking access to locations on the map is punishable by jail.
    j) Spamming corpses in the temple or depot is punishable by jail.
    k) The recover key is for single use only.
    l) Insulting gods on the help channel will lead to a ban.
    m) Deliberate trapping of players in houses will result in jail or bans.
    n) Houses of inactive players are cleared if they havent logged in for 14 days.
    o) Sharing personal data without consent is punishable, and such data may be reported to authorities under GDPR regulations.
    p) Disrupting casino gameplay will result in jail and potential bans.
    r) Claims regarding financial benefits obtained by administration members are pursued legally.
    s) The administration is not responsible for items lost due to server crashes.
  • 3. Payments
    a) Donations to the server are voluntary.
    b) Refunds for purchased premium points are not available.
    d) Items bought from the shop remain the property of the server administrator.
    e) The server staff is not responsible for incorrect SMS content.
    f) The server staff is not responsible for items that didn’t reach the player.
    g) Users of the service are subject to virtual services on the game server.
  • 4. Game Master / Supervisor
    a) Problems should be reported using the built-in Report Rule Violations function (CTRL+R).
    b) Support is not obliged to respond to improperly written reports.
  • Final Notes:
    a) This regulation outlines the rights, information, and obligations for every user.
    b) In case of omissions or specific cases, the server administrator decides the necessary actions.
    c) The administration reserves the right to change the rules at any time.
    d) Accounts, characters, and items are the property of REZORIA OTS.

Creating an account obliges you to comply with the REZORIA OTS rules, which you have accepted.