Witaj na RezoriaEU
Wiele unikalnych zadan i expowisk...
Niestandardowe potwory
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Level Points
These are points that you can give away according to your individual needs. In the depo, you'll find a Level Points teleport that will take you to a reward area - right there, you'll be able to exchange level points for various items, and stamina potion as well as beneficial reinforcements: LEVEL, HP, MP.
Level | Points |
100 | 5 |
200 | 5 |
300 | 5 |
400 | 5 |
500 | 5 |
600 | 5 |
700 | 5 |
800 | 5 |
900 | 5 |
1000 | 10 |
1100 | 10 |
1200 | 10 |
1300 | 10 |
1400 | 10 |
1500 | 10 |
1600 | 15 |
1700 | 15 |
1800 | 15 |
1900 | 15 |
2000 | 20 |
2100 | 20 |
2200 | 20 |
2300 | 25 |
2400 | 25 |
2500 | 25 |
2600 | 30 |
2700 | 30 |
2800 | 30 |
2900 | 35 |
3000 | 35 |